Pecl Install Version

Active4 years, 11 months ago
  1. Pecl Install Version
  2. Pecl Install Different Version
  3. Pecl Install Previous Version

Execute the command ‘/usr/bin/phpize7.0 –version’ to check the version. Steps to install PECL on Ubuntu 16.04 PECL (PHP Extension Community Library) is a repository for PHP extensions. PECL command is used to install PECL extensions. Log into your Ubuntu server as ‘root’ user or login as any user with sudo privileges 2.

VersionPhp pecl
  • PECL is a repository for PHP Extensions, providing a directory of all known extensions and hosting facilities for downloading and development of PHP extensions. The packaging and distribution system used by PECL is shared with its sister, PEAR.
  • May 04, 2018  When running multiple PHP versions. There are two minor caveats to keep in mind when running multiple PHP versions, or switching to a new version. Different extension directories. Every minor PHP version has its own API version. This means that PECL will have its own extension directory per minor (7.1., 7.2.) PHP version.

I have this code

which works just fine on my dev server but crashes on my local machine.

running pecl list on dev returns

and on local returns:

the crash message on my machine is

I'v tried downgrading my local version of mongo but i couldn't figure it out with pecl's poor documentation. for example i tried this:

but i keep on getting channel does not exist for all my channel permutations.

also running mongod --version locally returns db version v2.6.0 and on dev returns db version v2.4.3


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1 Answer

To downgrade, you can try this:

Then pecl list will show you that it worked.

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Pecl Install Version

Active8 years, 6 months ago

There are download sections for PECL extensions in But I am not getting install steps for PECL *itself**. Following command does not work -

In my system, I have PECL installed, so I can install PECL extensions like this-

But, in a system where running pecl command does not recognize the same, how to install PECL first on a Fedora 7 system (old system).

Sandeepan NathSandeepan Nath
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Pecl install specific version

1 Answer

Seems to me that you should do yum install php-pear to get pecl on your OS, not yum install pecl.

Serty OanSerty Oan

Pecl Install Different Version

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Pecl Install Previous Version

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