Active Directory Users And Computers Download

Aug 06, 2019  Active directory users and computers (ADUC) is actually a MMC snap-in which allows administrators gain control over Active Directory objects which includes computers, users, groups, attributes and organizational units (OUs).

  1. Active Directory Users And Computers Kb Download
  2. Active Directory Administrative Center Win 10
  3. Active Directory Users And Computer Download
  4. Active Directory Users And Computers Download Windows 7
  5. Active Directory Users And Computers Download Windows 7
  6. Active Directory Users And Computers Download Server 2016

Step III: Use Active Directory Users and Computers. Now that you have it installed operating it is very simple: just type active directory in your start menu and select Active Directory Users and Computers and there you are – you can now control the domain from your regular non-server computer. Active Directory does not come with Windows 10 by default so you’ll have to download it from Microsoft. If you’re not using Windows 10 Professional or Enterprise, the installation will not work.

Windows 10 is a powerful home and office operating system, but many of its users are not aware that it is also has full-fledged management tools for the enterprise. Windows 10 desktops running either the Professional or Enterprise editions of Windows have the ability to manage remote servers and computers using a set of tools known as Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT). RSAT includes Active Directory Users and Computers and enables administrators to remotely manage Windows servers and desktops from a Windows 10 device. In this article, I will show you how to install RSAT and Active Directory Users and Computers in Windows 10. Note that if your device doesn’t have Windows 10 Professional or Enterprise versions installed, then none of this will work; only those versions of Windows 10 support this software.

What is Active Directory Users and Computers?

Quick Links

  • Installing Remote Server Administration Tools
  • Troubleshooting the RSAT installation

Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) is an MMC snap-in that enables administrators to manage users, groups, computers and organizational groups and their attributes. It is where an admin goes to reset user passwords, add users to new groups or organizational units and manage object permissions throughout a domain. Of all of those features, it is the password reset feature that most administrators will use most.

An MMC snap-in is an add-on for the Microsoft Management Console. You can add or remove modules from MMC to add or remove features as your needs dictate. Microsoft decided to call them snap-ins instead of add-ons but the meaning is the same.

Installing Remote Server Administration Tools

Build 1809 or Later

With the October 2018 update to Windows 10, RSAT is already installed on every Professional or Enterprise edition of Windows, and only needs to be activated. To get RSAT running, just hit Ctrl-Escape or tap the Windows key, and type “manage optional features” in the search box, then select the “Manage optional features” option from the menu.

The settings app will run, and will bring up a list of all the optional features already installed on your Windows 10 desktop.

Click the “+” button that says “Add a feature”. Find the RSAT tools and add them.

Prior to Build 1809

If you have an earlier build of Windows 10 (for example, if you have automatic updates turned off), then you will need to install RSAT manually by downloading it from the Microsoft website.

Here’s how to download the RSAT suite.

  1. Visit the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10 page.
  2. Select Download, select the correct operating system and download the file. Select the latest RSAT release for maximum compatibility.
  3. Double-click the downloaded .msu file once it completes downloading.
  4. Let the install proceed.
  5. Type ‘control’ into the Windows Search box to bring up Control Panel.
  6. Select Programs and then Programs and Features.
  7. Select Turn Windows features on or off.
  8. Select Remote Server Administration Tools and then Role Administration Tools.
  9. Select AD DS and AD LDS Tools.
  10. Check the box by AD DS Tools and select OK.

You have now installed and enabled Active Directory Users and Computers in Windows 10. You should now be able to see it in Control Panel.

  1. Open Control Panel if you closed it.
  2. Navigate to Administrative Tools.
  3. Select Active Directory Users and Computers.

You should now be able to perform most of the usual daily tasks you need to on remote servers.

Install Active Directory Users and Computers using the command line

As this is server stuff, you can also install Active Directory Users and Computers using the command line. Just three commands will install RSAT and have you up and running.

  1. Open a command line window as an administrator.
  2. Type ‘dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RSATClient-Roles-AD’ and hit Enter.
  3. Type ‘dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RSATClient-Roles-AD-DS’ and hit Enter.
  4. Type ‘dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RSATClient-Roles-AD-DS-SnapIns’ and hit Enter.

This will install and integrate Active Directory Users and Computers into Windows 10 ready for you to use.

Troubleshooting the RSAT installation

Active directory users and computers download windows 8.1

Installing Active Directory Users and Computers in Windows 10 should be a breeze but doesn’t always go smoothly. There are a couple of issues that may get in the way of this process but they are easily overcome.

Windows Update

The RSAT installer uses Windows Update to install and integrate RSAT into Windows 10. That means if you have Windows Firewall turned off, it may not work properly. If you have installed RSAT and it doesn’t show up or won’t install properly, turn on Windows Firewall in Services, perform the install and then turn Windows firewall off again.

This is the same issue that plagues any Windows Update procedure and Microsoft seem to be in no hurry to fix it.

Not all tabs showing in RSAT

If you installed RSTA but you don’t see all the options, that might be something else. Right click Active Directory Users and Computers in Admin Tools and make sure the Target is set to ‘%SystemRoot%system32dsa.msc’.

If the target is correct, make sure you have the latest Windows Updates and the latest version of Active Directory Users and Computers. If you had a previous install, remove that before reinstalling the newer version. Updates to it are not clean so old files and configurations can remain.

It is only really administrators of domains that will get any use from Active Directory Users and Computers in Windows 10. It is a useful set of tools but is only relevant to managing remote servers and users. If you do that for a living and want to use Windows 10 instead of a server client, now you can.

Want more information about Windows 10 administration? We’ve got you covered.

Want to skip the password hassles? Learn how to login to Windows 10 without a password.

Getting DPC errors? We’ll show you how to fix DPC watchdog errors in Windows 10.

Update troubles? See our tutorial on fixing Windows 10 update issues.

If your Ethernet isn’t working, we’ve got a guide to fixing Windows 10 networking problems.

Got a window that’s disappeared off your screen? Get it back with our tutorial on finding missing windows in Windows 10.

Clipboard getting cluttered? Here’s how to clear out your Windows 10 clipboard.

If you don’t need DEP, here’s how to disable DEP from the Windows 10 command line.

Active1 month ago

Is there an equivalent tool available for use in Windows 7? I just need to browse the membership of some small Active Directory groups that are deep within a huge hierarchy, so I can eventually write code to work with those groups. The Windows Server 2003 version of the installer works, but the resulting MMC snap in just won't start up.

EDIT:I'd like to preemptively strike against more requests to close the question. This is a tool that I assume many programmers use to assist in programming-related tasks such as testing code that modifies Active Directory content. There are tons of other questions about developer tools here on Stack Overflow.

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Chris FarmerChris Farmer
15k29 gold badges102 silver badges151 bronze badges

11 Answers

Active Directory Users And Computers Kb Download

For Windows Vista and Windows 7 you need to get the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) - the Active Directory Users & Computers Snap-In is included in that pack. Download link: Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7.

Per NoaltPer Noalt
4,8222 gold badges24 silver badges20 bronze badges

Per Noalt's answer is correct. However, if you want the snap-in mentioned in the title (Users and Computers), you'll also have to run these commands at a command-line afterwards, as an Administrator:

Note - I had to run these in order for AD Users and Computers to show up, as they were disabled on my computer after the install. This might not be the case for all users.

5,4688 gold badges55 silver badges91 bronze badges

I'm not allowed to use Turn Windows features on or off, but running all of these commands in an elevated command prompt (Run as Administrator) finally got Active Directory Users and Computers to show up under Administrative Tools on the start menu:

I had downloaded and installed the RSAT (Windows 7 Link, Windows Vista Link) before running these commands.

It's quite likely that this is more than you features than you actually need, but at least it's not too few.


RE: enabling features via the command line
Alternatively, you can enable whichever features you're interested in via the Programs and Features control panel

From the download page Per Noalt provided:

Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Programs.

  1. In the Programs and Features area, click Turn Windows features on or off.

  2. If you are prompted by User Account Control to enable the Windows Features dialog box to open, click Continue.

  3. In the Windows Features dialog box, expand Remote Server Administration Tools.

  4. Select the remote management tools that you want to install.


As @CraigHyatt mentioned in one of the comments:

'Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off -> Remote Server Administration Tools -> AD DS and AD LDS Tools'

This worked like a charm in Windows Server 2008. A reboot was necessary, but the Active Directory Users and Computers snap in was available after that.

8,2926 gold badges56 silver badges95 bronze badges

I know that this question is old, but it is first in google searches

For the windows 8.1, the tools can be downloaded here

For the windows 10, the tools can be downloaded here

EDIT: After installing the Windows 10 2015 'Fall Update', I had to reinstall the remote server administration tools.

1,2561 gold badge17 silver badges25 bronze badges

The commands from WEFX worked for me after I enabled the parent features RemoteServerAdministrationTools, RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles, and RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-AD

Karen ToboKaren Tobo

Hey guys it exist a much more sexy tool for a developper to have a look into a Directory, whatever the Directory is (Active-Directory, OpenLDAP, eDirectory ...) its name is Apache Directory studio, it works in the same way on the top of java in Windows or in Linux. It's a kind of universal LDP.EXE for those who know this tool on Windows Servers. It allows to create LDIF files and also to browse the SCHEMA.

55.1k11 gold badges100 silver badges135 bronze badges

As 'me1' has mentioned you can do this assuming that your version of Windows 7 is either Professional or Ultimate, the PC is on the domain and you have preinstall the Remote Server Administration Tools (Windows6.1-KB958830-x64-RefreshPkg.msu or newer) then you'll be able to do the following:

Step 1. Select 'Start', select 'Control Panel', select 'Programs' and click on 'Turn Windows features on or off'.

Step 2. Check the following 5 features:

'remote server administration tools>feature administration tools>group policy management tools'

'remote server administration tools>feature administration tools>smtp server tools'

Active Directory Administrative Center Win 10

'remote server administration tools>role administration tools>ad ds and ad lds tools>active directory module for windows powershell'

'remote server administration tools>role administration tools>ad ds and ad lds tools>ad ds tools>active directory administrative center'

'remote server administration tools>role administration tools>ad ds and ad lds tools>ad ds tools>ad ds snap-ins and command-line tools'

Step 3. Click 'OK'.

Beavatron PrimeBeavatron Prime

You have to enable the features in Add/Remove Programs section of your Control Panel. Select 'Turn Windows features on or off'

8,3334 gold badges33 silver badges52 bronze badges

There are new instructions as of the Windows 10 October 2018 update:

Just go to 'Manage optional features' in Settings and click 'Add a feature' to see the list of available RSAT tools. Select and install the specific RSAT tools you need. To see installation progress, click the Back button to view status on the 'Manage optional features' page.


Active Directory Users And Computer Download


Active Directory Users And Computers Download Windows 7

protected by Paul RoubJul 26 '16 at 13:12

Active Directory Users And Computers Download Windows 7

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